Black Pepper

Black Pepper

Pepper Plants

Black Pepper plants (Piper nigrum L.) are vines classified into the piper class which have more than 1000 species. The detailed classification of pepper plants is as followsB:

Divisi        : Spermatophyta

Kelas        : Angiospermae

Sub kelas  : Dicotyledoneae

Ordo         : Piperales

Famili       : Piperaceae

Genus       : Piper

Spesies      : Piper nigrum L.

Pepper leaves are ovoid, wide, single, stemmed, located alternately or scattered. Pepper has compound flowers, is grain shaped, and hangs with a grain length of 3.5 to 22 cm, located at the tip or facing the leaves. Pepper is generally roundish rather oval supported by panicles. Pepper includes Buni fruit which has a fruit wall with three layers, namely the outer layer (exocarpium), the middle layer (mesocarpium), and the inner layer (endocarpium). When young, the skin of pepper is hard and green, while when it is ripe, the skin is soft, runny, orange red and easy to peel. Pepper seeds are round with a diameter of 3-4 mm

Some forms of processing and processing of pepper currently traded are black pepper, decorticated black pepper, white pepper, green pepper, ground black pepper, ground black pepper pepper), ground white pepper, light berry pepper, pink pepper, black pepper oil, oleoresin pepper, oleoresin, dehydrated green pepper, canned green pepper (canned green pepper), and bottled green pepper (bottled green pepper).

Black Pepper

One of the most globalized commodity spice is black pepper.

Black pepper contains essential oils and resins. Pepper oil can be obtained by refining, while through the extraction process oil is mixed with resins, this mixture is called oleoresin. Oleoresin is the result of pepper extraction which is a mixture of volatile oil, volatile resins and alkaloids

The chemical contents in black pepper are saponins, flavonoids, essential oils, cacinin, resins, egg white, starch, piperine, piperiline, piperoleine, piperanine, piperonal, dihydrokarveol, kanyofillene oxide, kariptone, tranpiocarrol, and pepper oil. Black pepper has an antioxidant effect because it contains phenolic compounds and phenolic amides.

Black pepper has two distinctive features, namely the spicy and biting taste and the characteristic piercing aroma. The aroma and flavor of pepper is determined by the aromatic composition of volatile vapor oil which mainly consists of monoterpenes of hydrocarbons and small amounts of sesquiterpenes of hydrocarbons. Spiciness is produced by alkaloids which are not volatile vapors, the most important of which is piperine

The spicy taste of pepper is caused by the substance of piperine, piperanine, and chavicin which are compounds of piperine with a kind of alkaloids. Chavicin is found in the flesh of pepper seeds and will not disappear even if the fleshy seeds are dried in the sun until they become black pepper. Therefore, black pepper is more spicy than white pepper.

Piperine is a piperidide from piperic acid which is one of the substances that causes pepper. Piperine in pepper is around 4-8 percent. When hydrolyzed with acids or bases, piperin breaks down into piperidine (strong base) and piperic acid (C12H10O4). Piperine which is an important contribution in the spiciness of pepper is used as a factor in the standardization of pepper

Black Pepper Uses

Pepper is widely used for the food industry, especially in the meat processing industry as a preservative, while for household scale pepper is used as a cooking spice. Other uses of pepper are for the pharmaceutical industry and as one of the fragrance ingredients. The use of black pepper, among others, for a variety of sausages (pepperoni, salami, pastrami), pizza loaf, meat loaf, and meatballs

Content of Black Pepper

Moisture                  8-13%

Protein                     11 %

carbohydrate           22-42 %

Essential Oil            1-4 %

Piperin (Alkaloid).   5-9 %

Black pepper is a pepper fruit that still has black skin fermented and drying. Black pepper is obtained from the whole fruit that has been fully ripe without stripping the skin of the fruit (mesocarpium). The process of processing black pepper from fresh pepper is quite simple, namely by drying.

Quality Black Pepper

Black pepper is a pepper fruit that still has black skin fermented and drying. Black pepper is obtained from the whole fruit that has been fully ripe without stripping the skin of the fruit (mesocarpium). The process of processing black pepper from fresh pepper is quite simple, namely by drying.

Grade 1 pepper according to ASTA standards is 550-560 gL (grams per liter), which means that in 1 liter of whole pepper contains 560 grams of pepper. ASTA standards are used by some producers who do not use national standards, European standards or suitable IEC. This standard is usually useful for new products that have already been launched. The application of ASTA standards provides security for entrepreneurs so that they are safe to market

Black Pepper

Black Pepper

Black Pepper
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